Alumni & Volunteer Engagement

The YMCA DC Youth & Government program has touched the lives of thousands of students since its founding in 2002. Today, program alumni can be found in colleges and careers all across the country. We are always looking for ways to stay connected with our alumni! Many alumni decide to volunteer with delegations or at the annual conferences. Other alumni support the program with financial donations so that current and future students have the opportunity to participate in the program.

After graduating from high school, ANY Youth and Government alumni are welcome to volunteer and give back to the program. As an alumni volunteer, you will be asked to help delegations prepare for our conference and you are invited to join us at annual events.  The YMCA DC Youth & Government program relies on approximately 30 volunteers each year to ensure the smooth operation of the program. 

Volunteers are the backbone of our program. Their time and talent help us to fulfill our mission of empowering our youth to become ethical leaders and responsible citizens. None of our annual conferences or program initiatives would be possible without the mentorship and hope they bring to students, teachers, community leaders, and program staff members.

Let us know if you are interested in staying involved with Youth and Government following your graduation from high school! If you are interested in joining the YMCA DC Youth & Government Alumni and Volunteer Association and receiving program updates and information, please follow our LinkedIn page or email Program Director Lindsey Pullum for more information.

We also host monthly social events for volunteers and alumni from across the country to meet each other and have fun! Happy Hours, Trivia, Karaoke, Hot Dogs, and Concerts at the Smithsonian.

Alumni from Kentucky, DC, California, Minnesota, New York, and North Carolina

Interested in volunteering with the YMCA DC Youth & Government program? Fill out our form to get started!

Volunteer Roles Needed for the DC Program:
Delegation Advisor Lead: works directly with the participating students at the local delegation level. They support one delegation (participating high school or organization) throughout the school year by attending the delegation’s weekly club meetings. During the meetings, you assist students in the bill writing process and learning parliamentary procedures. You also serve as a mentor to students as they prepare for college by acting as a positive role model and answering questions about applying for college, college life, and financial aid. You should attend all YMCA DC Youth & Government trainings and events including the Youth Summit Legislative Weekend conferences.

Student Advisory Board Lead: assists student leadership with setting the weekly agenda, coordinating guest speakers, and chaperones weekly meetings.

Executive Officer Program Lead: assists in mentoring the Youth Mayor and selecting the Executive Cabinet; schedules meetings with the Mayor for bill authors during Legislative Weekend.

Legislative Program Lead: trains students in parliamentary procedure and amendments to bill/during bill debate; reads and provides feedback on all bills.

Press Corps/Media Program Lead: works with the Youth Editor-in-Chief to produce monthly newsletters and content for Legislative Weekend.

Judicial Program Lead: trains the Chief Justice and Attorney general; schedules the judicial sessions over Legislative Weekend.

Middle School Program Lead: coordinates experiences for Middle School participants.

Webmaster and Bill Book Author: organizes digital resources and compiles bills for the bill book.

Program Logistics Lead: works with Program Director to plan Teen Night and student engagement during Legislative Weekend.

Civic Event Lead: coordinates and executes special weekend programming to train students in bill writing, parliamentary procedure, and conference prep.

CONA Program Lead: chaperones students to the annual CONA event; trains students in parliamentary procedure and reviews every proposal for submission.

General Volunteer: crucial to the smooth operation of all YMCA DC Youth & Government citywide events.  The program relies heavily on general volunteers to help run workshops, monitor/chaperone students, and complete miscellaneous administrative and other tasks (i.e. assisting with meals, preparing meeting spaces, and supporting program leads, faculty advisors and YMCA DC Youth & Government staff). Serving as a general volunteer is a great way for interested individuals to learn more about the YMCA DC Youth & Government program without committing much time.