Register for Legislative Weekend!

Register by February 10 here!

What is Legislative Weekend?

Legislative Weekend is a two-day conference that takes place March 17-18, 2023 and is the culminating event of the year!  Throughout the conference, students use the skills they have learned in delegation meetings and at the Youth Summit.  Delegates spend Friday and Saturday presenting and debating one another’s bills.  Delegates in the Press Corps cover the conference, write articles, and publish conference newspapers.  Delegates also campaign for office and vote for new officers.  On Friday night, students travel to the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill for Teen Night. Teen Night includes dancing, live performances by local performers, coloring books, and board games.  Conference attendees spend the night in a hotel on Friday night.  On Saturday night, delegates attend the YMCA Youth Mayor’s Banquet.  During the banquet, students celebrate their hard work and receive awards.

When does Legislative Weekend take place?

Legislative Weekend takes place each spring on a Friday and Saturday usually in mid to late March.  This year, Legislative Weekend is March 17-18, 2023.

Where does Legislative Weekend take place?

Legislative Weekend takes place during the day at One Judiciary Square located at 441 4th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001. Students participate in a Teen Night on Friday night at the Hyatt Regency 400 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001.

Who participates in Legislative Weekend? How much does it cost?

Legislative Weekend is open to all high school students (9-12 grades) and 8th graders in the metropolitan Washington area who are members of a local YMCA DC Youth & Government delegation.  It is highly recommended that you attend the Youth Summit prior to attending Legislative Weekend, host weekly delegation meetings, or attend weekly teen Student Advisory Board meetings the Bowen Y off W St.

The event costs $35/student.

How can I get involved?!

In order to attend the Legislative Weekend conference, you must join a YMCA DC Youth & Government delegation at your school, participating community organization, or at your local YMCA.

A Message from the YMCA DC Youth Editor-in-Chief

Dear YMCA DC Y&G Delegates,

My first year of Youth and Government was virtual, making it hard to get the same experience as those before me. However, even though the program was on zoom last year, I found that I was able to make great memories in such a strong environment. Y&G events were very interesting, and I had the privilege of contributing to newsletters that discussed the various events held by Y&G. My goal as the new Press Corps Editor-in-Chief is to strengthen the quality of our newsletters and create a great group of dedicated writers, designers, etc. Having a voice is one of Y&G’s most crucial components, and it will be evident in our newsletters. No matter the size of our upcoming Press Corps, I am confident that we can truly establish a space for Youth and Government to be celebrated!

If you have any other questions or concerns, please visit for more information.


YMCA DC Youth Editor-in-Chief Maya Maaloul

School Without Walls Delegation

A Note From the 2022-2023 Youth Mayor

A Note From the 2022-2023 Youth Mayor

Youth Mayor Address

Youth and Government has been a big part of my life for over two years, it has been with me during ups and downs, and has remained a constant reminder of community, and hope. I have gained so much from my time in the program, and I hope to carry on that tradition. To do so, I plan to implement various new projects, and develop already-existing ones. I have broken this down into 4 main goals:

#1 is to transition YAG back into in-person events. As we have spent the last two years virtual, it is vital that we are able to create safe, in-person events throughout the year. Because COVID is so unpredictable, safety will be the number one priority, but my goal is to connect our community in ways that recently, we have not been able to.

Building off of that, my #2 goal is to ensure the future of this program through recruitment. I plan to continue campaigns that are already in progress, and create new ways for various student communities to be involved. Through this, I also plan to increase social media presence, and make communication more accessible for everyone in the program. 

Goal #3 is to build community service into our political discourse. Being a part of DC, there are so many political-based opportunities including, but not limited to, campaign, voter registration, and poll-worker volunteering. This will not only allow us to be more connected to our greater community, but it will help us grow the pillars of what makes Youth and Government so amazing.

Lastly, I plan to create an entirely new program, which will consist of an election-style event, where YAG members will be able to follow local elections, debate with their delegations, and even hold a city-wide “mock vote” event. This program will not only be held at a delegation level, but a district one as well. This will encourage delegates to debate their ideas, and ultimately be able to have their voice heard.

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