How To Start a Delegation

So, you want to start your own delegation at your school? That’s great!!
We’re glad you’re here! We need students from all Wards, all schools, and of all identities if we’re going to fulfill our mission of “For all”.

Here are some “Next Steps” for you to get your delegation off the ground.

  1. Identify a Faculty Advisor who can help schedule meeting times and locations. Faculty advisors don’t run the club; you do! They are to ensure safety, help facilitate meeting logistics, and chaperone city-wide events.
  2. Decide on a meeting day and time to get together as a group. We recommend every two weeks for one hour. Some clubs meet every week, others meet once a month. Choose what’s best for your group! Remember: anyone from any grade with any interest can join so invite and recruit friends or peers you think would benefit! 
  3. Elect a delegation president and vice president! These individuals will be key communicators between your delegation and Youth & Government Leadership. They also are responsible for running delegation meetings according to our curriculum so your delegation meets certain goals throughout the year, including registering for our conference and writing your public policy bills. Once you have identified your delegation leaders, have them email the Program Director, Lindsey Pullum ([email protected]), to access delegation resources for what to do during meetings through Google Classroom.
  4. Check out the resources on our website to learn more about the program, our service events, and when we are meeting this year! Follow us on Instagram to access all the most recent program details and events.
  5. Attend our weekly all-city Tuesday Teen Nights. Students from all 8 Wards meet every Tuesday at 6:00pm at Y-Anthony Bowen 1325 W St. NW to discuss the program. These meetings are not required and are completely optional. Students who can’t make regularly scheduled home delegation meetings or who want to network with students from across the city would benefit immensely from these meetings. Plus FREE PIZZA. Every. Single. Week.