Delegate Resources

Welcome to the Delegate Resource Section!

The YMCA DC Youth & Government Program Staff hopes that by participating in the program, you will be inspired to further pursue your interests and expand your knowledge regarding public policy, creating change in your community, and local government in general.

This resource section should serve as an overview of how to write a bill and debate using parliamentary procedure. There is certainly much more to be learned about public policymaking and journalism than what is included in this section, and we hope your participation in the program will encourage you to investigate other resources.

Parliamentary Procedure

How to Debate: Debating is an essential part of the delegation curriculum, as well as the Spring Conference. Every delegate needs to know how to communicate effectively and respectfully. Robert’s Rules of Order or Parliamentary Procedure (Parli Pro) helps us streamline communication and ensure everyone can speak.

Resource for visual and audio processors: Parliamentary Procedure Video

Resource for written and verbal processors: Chair Script

Bill Writing Resources

How to Write a Bill: Bill writing is a fundamental part of the Youth and Government program. Delegates need to learn how to properly perform and communicate their solutions to problems they see within the district.

Writing a bill can be challenging, especially if you don’t know what you want to write about. If you’re in this boat, then you’ve found the right section. The following resources can assist you in any stage of the bill writing process from finding a topic to adding your finishing touches.

Bill Writing Videos:
Five Minute Bill Writing Video
Ten Minute Bill Writing Video

Model Bills:
Exemplar Bill 1
Exemplar Bill 2

Other Resources:
Bill Drafting Guidebook 2023-2024
Bill Template – In Depth
Program Manual 2022-2023 (Pages 20-49)

More resources

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